​About Our Company

​There are not many things as important to your home as its foundation. Yet, we have found through the years of having the privilege to work in different homes that people rarely are aware of their foundation’s current state. At Round Rock Foundation Repair Pros we really want to help change that. We understand that a lot of times when dealing with structures as delicate as foundations you have to be very accurate in your assessments and you are really not allowed to think outside the box much. Here though we want to be able to put that common knowledge to the test. For years people have been limited by builders in what they could and could not do to their homes. One of the main things that we preach to our potential customers is that it is their home that we are going to be working on. So, they should have the final say and what they want us to do with it!

Our company is composed of a team of professionals that combined have well over a century in years of experience in the business. As we mentioned that could actually be a handicap that would count against us if we were not forward thinking. If you are looking to work with a company that you can trust to provide a quality service while at the same time be willing to explore with you all of the limits of home building, give us a call!

​Your home’s foundation is one of the most important aspects of your entire home. We are sure that you have heard this line. What you would expect now, is for us to continue to lure you into hiring our services … right? Well, we like to think that is only half true. At Round Rock Foundation we want to really give people all of the tools necessary to be able to make an educated decision about their home’s foundation and other repairs that they may require.